
Home Office complaints handling targets “routinely missed”

Home Office targets for handling complaints within 20 working days are “routinely missed”, according to a report published today by the immigration inspector, David Bolt. Mr Bolt also says that the department has failed to keep up improvements in this area made between 2015 and 2017 and needs to go back to square one. The inspection was […]

Coronavirus and the UK immigration system

Measures taken to combat the spread of coronavirus and COVID-19 disease have changed almost every aspect of society both here in the UK and around the world. The immigration system is no exception. This post gathers together various updates on changes to immigration law and practice caused by coronavirus. For now, in contrast with our […]

General grounds for refusal: alleged deception and innocent mistakes

Making a mistake on an immigration application form can be disastrous. If the mistake is interpreted by officials as an attempt to mislead or deceive, the application will inevitably be refused. If the application was for entry clearance, it will also lead to a ten-year ban on re-entry to the UK. There are a number […]

Dear Client,


The safety of clients and colleagues is our main priority!

In view of the current situation relating to coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to help to protect the health of ALL our clients and solicitors, as a result our office is currently closed until further notice.

However, we would like to reassure you that we are still fully available to assist existing and new clients by telephone, email and video conference. Our legal team are following government guidance and are now working remotely from home and you can contact them directly via telephone or e-mail.

Please stay home and stay well!

For more information about any updates relating to coronavirus please visit: www.gov.uk/coronavirus www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19